How Electroacupuncture Can Help Constipation

  New research is suggesting that acupuncture using a mild electric current can bring some relief to people with severe constipation. The Chinese study conducted at the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences in Beijing found acupuncture to be a safe and...

Acupuncture Provides Pain Relief MORE Powerful Than Opioids

Acupuncture can provide powerful and effective pain relief that according to one latest study was found to work even faster than powerful painkillers such as morphine. The study on 300 emergency room patients found that using a natural treatment involving a set of...

Acupuncture Is An Effective Weight Loss Tool For Adults

Acupuncture may be a powerful tool for effective weight loss according to new research. This is an exciting finding for anyone who has ever struggled to lose weight. The research was carried out as part of an experiment to test the efficacy of acupuncture as a tool...

Acupuncture Can Reduce Your Risk Of Gout and Kidney Damage

Acupuncture can reduce the risk of gout and kidney damage according to a study published in the Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Researchers from Beijing University began to look into the effects of acupuncture therapy on specific areas. They did this on serum...