‘I love the HealthPoint device and how it effectively treats various health conditions!’ – Terry H.
“I would like to take this opportunity to say how much I find the HealthPoint acupressure device very helpful. I have had arthritis from the age of 12 and now for the past 4 years have developed fibromyalgia. However, with alternative treatment and supplements,...
“Dear Robert I am using Healthpoint to treat a bunion and am encouraged by the results in terms of pain reduction. I also have another condition in my right hand called Dupuytren’s Contracture, which I am keen to treat as it is advancing. ” – Les...
“I really like your product it came in very handy after my knee surgery and after I had a series of needle accupuncture treatments on my knee to reduce the swelling.” – John
“Within 5 minutes my head was feeling much better and I was able to eat lunch. I had put up with nausea and pain for 10 years and so this began my love for and dedication to the HealthPoint. I still have the same one [14 years later]. Why do I have such a love affair...
“For at least three months, I had been suffering from what I was told is a condition known as Planters Fasciitis, commonly known as a “heel spur.” This might sound trivial to most, but I assure you that to me it was not. I was nearly incapacitated at times and...
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