Electro-Acupuncture can offer a successful approach to asthma and although many people have successfully replaced all drugs with electro-acupuncture it should not be taken as a complete substitute for drugs until definite progress is being made, and then only after consultation with your physician. This applies particularly to severe attacks and if no immediate result is obtained with Electro-Acupuncture, the bronchodilator drugs should be taken. If steroids/antibiotics have been taken for some time, advice is needed for actions to boost your own auto-immune system. Avoid the same foods as per eczema as well as avoiding other irritants.
Bronchitis can occur during the winter months or in more chronic cases, all the year round. It is important that patients with bronchitis stop smoking and avoid polluted places as much as possible such as city centres or factories. If steroids/antibiotics have been taken for some time, advice is needed for actions to boost your own auto-immune system. Avoid foods as eczema.
If you have a persistent cough you should seek medical advice. If there is no serious cause then treatment using Electro-Acupuncture is a good method of control.
Croup – Laryngeal Tracheaitis
Croup is characterised by severe laryngeal spasm, causing great difficulty in breathing. It is often due to a virus, and can be greatly helped by humidifying the atmosphere (keeping a kettle boiling in the room). Electro-Acupuncture should be used on this condition, treatment often needs to be given half hourly until the acute situation settles.
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